Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Northern KC Railroad

We are lucky that KC has sooo many family friendly things to do! We've lived here 2 years (and in Riverside for 1) and *just* found out about this awesome little railroad! Normally it is 50 cents a ride, but it was National Railroad Day, so rides where free(!!!) and they had a little party! 

The kids had a fantastic time and it was a great way to kill a couple of hours on a Saturday!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Silver Lining

We all had a long night last night because Molly had a stomach bug. I attempted to be a sweet wife and sent Jamon to the couch for a good night's sleep, while Molly, George, and I were camped out in our bed room! My plan didn't work out well, since Jamon heard us and would come upstairs to help - sweet guy - so no extra sleep for him. Puking kids are never fun - but thankfully Molly is a quick learner and got the "aim for the trash can" down fairly fast!

The silver lining in this is that, because he was tired, Jamon stayed home to study today! Yay! I know we were pretty distracting, but he got done what he needed to and we took a walk down to the park to let the kids burn off some energy! We played soccer and played on the slides! And came home and grilled hot dogs! Definitely a good day!

Also, the planets all aligned or pigs learned to fly or SOMETHING because all the munchkins fell asleep this afternoon! In their beds and everything! :D I snuck a nap in as well while Jamon finished up some board studying! Yay for me! I am going to treasure the memory of that nap because it probably won't happen again for 18 years.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

First Bath!

Like most babies, George loves being in the water! 

And big brother and sister couldn't resist taking a bath "with" George! 
They are so anxious for him to be in the tub with them. 
It'll be a long wait. :) 

Silly kids!

Warm and cozy after his bath! 

Sunday, April 21, 2013


What's that cheesy pinterest quote?

"Sometimes being a brother is better than being a superhero!"

I'm sure the mischief will begin soon...

Saturday, April 20, 2013


I've been really proud of how well the big kids have done with their new brother! They are quick to remind me to feed him or rush to help him with his pacifier! Mostly they just want to lay down next to him, which is precarious at times, but we make do! I guess I can only cross my fingers that the sibling love lasts!