Sunday, February 22, 2009

Milk (and Molly's) Favorite Cookie!

Sunday afternoon, Mom gave Molly an Oreo and she LOVED IT!
It also happened to be a HUGE mess!

I still am amazed at how BLUE her eyes are!!! She was so happy with this cookie! Smiling and laughing if she took the oreo out! - only a few seconds though and she would pop it right back in!

And of course - she was so dirty we had to give her a sink bath!

Molly is such a happy and sweet girl! I can't believe how lucky we are to have such a laid back baby! Jamon and I love making her laugh, which is pretty easy!
She is getting close to crawling we think - getting up on her knees, but then falls back down! Ava even shared a sucker with her at church today! It was a family sucker I guess, From Heather's mouth, to Ava, to Molly, to Ava, to Molly, to Ava, and back to Heather! The people sitting around us must think we are some kind of weird!!!! (Mostly Jamon!)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Updated. . . . Finally!

Lots has been going on! Since Thanksgiving was the last post. . . I don't think I will try to go all the way back to Christmas. Just pick up right now!!!!

Last weekend we drove to Ben Wheeler to spend the weekend with Jamon's grandpa for his 90th birthday! So we drove over Friday night, and woke up and took him and Jamon's mom to breakfast on Saturday morning! They also had a party for him that afternoon!

This is Molly with her cousins, Megan and Alyssa, at Grandpa's party!
4 generations sitting outside of the Cracker Barrell!
Jamon and Molly at the party! I don't know why the camera started doing this! UGH!
I really kinda like this picture (even though Molly looks a little goofy!) even though the camera was still being dumb! Oh well though!

In other news, Molly got her first tooth on Valentines Day! I tried to take a picture of her gums, and that was all you can see - gums. So I guess you will just have to take my word for it!