Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Silver Lining

We all had a long night last night because Molly had a stomach bug. I attempted to be a sweet wife and sent Jamon to the couch for a good night's sleep, while Molly, George, and I were camped out in our bed room! My plan didn't work out well, since Jamon heard us and would come upstairs to help - sweet guy - so no extra sleep for him. Puking kids are never fun - but thankfully Molly is a quick learner and got the "aim for the trash can" down fairly fast!

The silver lining in this is that, because he was tired, Jamon stayed home to study today! Yay! I know we were pretty distracting, but he got done what he needed to and we took a walk down to the park to let the kids burn off some energy! We played soccer and played on the slides! And came home and grilled hot dogs! Definitely a good day!

Also, the planets all aligned or pigs learned to fly or SOMETHING because all the munchkins fell asleep this afternoon! In their beds and everything! :D I snuck a nap in as well while Jamon finished up some board studying! Yay for me! I am going to treasure the memory of that nap because it probably won't happen again for 18 years.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

First Bath!

Like most babies, George loves being in the water! 

And big brother and sister couldn't resist taking a bath "with" George! 
They are so anxious for him to be in the tub with them. 
It'll be a long wait. :) 

Silly kids!

Warm and cozy after his bath! 

Sunday, April 21, 2013


What's that cheesy pinterest quote?

"Sometimes being a brother is better than being a superhero!"

I'm sure the mischief will begin soon...

Saturday, April 20, 2013


I've been really proud of how well the big kids have done with their new brother! They are quick to remind me to feed him or rush to help him with his pacifier! Mostly they just want to lay down next to him, which is precarious at times, but we make do! I guess I can only cross my fingers that the sibling love lasts!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Easter 2013

I love Easter! 
I love that we get the opportunity to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior on beautiful spring Sundays! Easter alwasy feels like a fresh start to me, a better time to reevaluate our lives and habits, than say New Years. It gives me an opportunity to see where I am in this journey and ponder changes I need to make! And General Conference! Really it's a great time of year! 

Not only that (hello, superficial Meaghan!) I coordinating Easter outfits. I mean really, do kids really ever look as good as they do on Easter Sunday? I try to do this at Christmas too, but spring colors are so much more fun! 

This year we dyed eggs

Some goodies were left in baskets
 He's super excited - can you tell? 

That Bunny is so smart! "How did he know, Mom?!"

And since *someone* forgot about the community Easter Egg hunt (apparently having a 3 week old is NOT an acceptable excuse) the Easter Bunny left eggs in our back yard! Yay for him! 

And then on to the awesome outfits! 
Tangent here ----> I spent admittedly too much time finding the cutest navy and white dress for Molly to match David's shirt. And the zipper broke Sunday morning. GAH. Quick closet check found another dress that worked. Apparently I should have just looked there first anyways...

We tried to take pictures.

David has decided against smiling for the camera
George wanted to know why we were trusting the 4 year old to hold him
Molly smiled! 

Oh well. Better luck next year! 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sweet Baby George!

After 9 long months he is here! 

George Phillip
March 1 2013
9 lbs 2 oz
20.5 inches

In the last few weeks of this pregnancy I was *so* uncomfortable! My previous two pregnancies were beyond easy, so while I could probably be considered a wimp, I was just ready for this one to be over! 
Molly and David were both around 7 lbs so when they told me how much this little chub weighed I thought "GOOD! I *knew* something different was happening in there!" Made me feel a little less crazy for feeling like I did! 

The surgery went like a breeze and I was up and feeling well soon after! We were blessed to have Jamon's mom and my parents come up to help us while I recovered! (Thank you, thank you, thank you!) 

We named him George Phillip, in honor of my maternal grandparents George and Phyllis Lemon - better known as Nana and Big Daddy!

I have a hard time expressing how it feels to talk to this little guy and be reminded of two people I love so much. They have always been such great examples to me! My Big Daddy passed away in Feb 2007, but some of my fondest memories of them, include watching him try to steal a kiss from my Nana, bedtime stories, and the way they would hide away from everyone and read their scriptures together every night - even when all the family was in and the house was chaotic! My sweet Nana is battling cancer a second time and one of the strongest women I have ever known! They joined the church as a young married couple and never looked back! I have such a strong heritage through them and my Dad's parents who also joined the church.

So our sweet new baby will have their names. 

I was so excited to see that he had hair! AND it is dark hair! I have been by myself with these blondies for far too long! :) He looks like Molly did when she was a baby, but admittedly is more high maintenance! :) He knows what he wants and isn't afraid to let you know about it! And mostly what he wants is to be swaddled and held! We love him to pieces already and can't wait to see what his little personality brings to our family!

February 2013

David is 3?!?! Cliche' I know, but it is amazing how quickly time has gone by! We've been in Kansas City almost 2 years now! Here is what my little (*ahem BIG ) looked like when we moved here! 

Just LOOK at that chubby face! <3 and="" be="" crazy="" david="" even="" feisty="" guy.="" has="" he="" held="" his="" is="" just="" loved="" moments="" my="" nbsp="" of="" old-ed-ness="" on="" p="" still="" sweet="" though="" to="" wants="" year="">

He is 38 inches tall and weighs 36 pounds
Loves anything with wheels
Papa's truck (and Papa in general) = greatest ever
Wants to do everything "By myself"
Always wants to say the prayer
Likes to sing "I am a Child of God"
Expert train track engineer
Learning to ride a big boy bike with training wheels
Hates getting his hair cut
Finally loves nursery again! :)

Since I am writing this a little late ---> David has been an amazing big brother! I was so worried about him being dethroned as the baby of the family, but he has been amazing! He loves putting George's sassy back in and is in charge of making sure George has his elephant and a blanket! He also is the ultimate diaper change spectator! Ha ha I hear "The baby pooped AGAIN?" every time I go to change the little one! 

So proud of this big guy. He is just as sweet as any mama could ask for! 



Do you want to know something? I hate snow. Hate.Hate.Hate.
It is wet and cold and horrible. :::shiver:::

Naturally, the kids love it!
And again I am so thankful Jamon took them out to play in it! I am in charge of the hot chocolate making and marshmallow distributing! 

Snow Day January 2013

This winter has been the loooongest winter of my life! Ha ha! Thankfully the kids loved being outside in the snow! Thankfully I was still pregnant at this time and was spared from the frozen frolicking! :) 

Jamon was a great sport though and would take Molly and David out for hours and sled down the hills around our house! 

Christmas Picture Explosion

Wow I can't believe it is April already! 

Back to Christmas we go! 
We always have a great time when we get to be with our families! 
Christmas 2012 was a cookie decorating, Elf finding, ornament making, Santa visiting, and reindeer feeding week of festivities! 
Molly *finally* got her big horse (Although Santa forgot she wanted a REAL horse to live in her backyard) and David got his train sets!